Media and personalized learning

Welcome to my media and personalized learning blog!

Peer Review- “The Life Impact of Covid-19”

Peer reviewed by: Ryann Trelving

Group members: Linding Wang, Kexin Li, Yufei Li, Zewen Ding

Hello! I really enjoyed reading your group’s final blog post! At first glance, I really enjoyed how all the different topics you were going to be discussing in your project were laid out and organized into categories. Looking at your first category, entertainment, I enjoyed how you included both the stereotypical things that people think of that have been affected during the pandemic such as parties, movies, etc but I really like how you added in the aspect of tourism. Tourism is a major entertainment factor that has been affected by the pandemic and although it is a very luxurious form of entertainment in many countries it is the main source of income that has been detrimentally affected by the virus.

Moving onto the second portion of the project, restaurants, and hotels, I enjoy how you discuss that as a result of the pandemic, the hotel and restaurant industry has completely changed and will come out on the other side of the pandemic but in a completely different way ensuring to keep everyone they host healthy. It was also a nice touch showcasing that these industries have produced the most job loss in the country. Throughout the paragraph, I enjoyed how you discussed how restaurants have expanded and learned to cope through their PLNs, with online services and delivery methods but I would have liked to learn more on how the hotel industry has adapted and used their PLN platforms to keep their businesses up and running during this time. 

The last couple of short paragraphs discussing PLN, zoom, and youtube I really enjoyed reading! When reading about zoom, it was an interesting point that was made that the app was developed and made useful to the public in 2013 but it is not until now that it became so popular. It was interesting to see how something as simple as an online video chat could have received so much inventory and benefits through such a hard time in the world but, it truly was how the world began to function. Adding to this, I enjoyed how the Youtube section of the blog related to key points at the beginning of the blog such as entertainment. One suggestion that I believe may have made your post flow better, however, would be to put these points as youtube relates to entertainment and specifically tourism by that section of the blog. Because of youtube’s many functions, it played a key role throughout the pandemic on a variety of levels, and structuring your blog by these roles may have added a little more clarity and flow!

Overall, I really enjoyed all of the points that you touched on throughout your blog with how different PLNs have been influenced throughout the pandemic. It was interesting to see all of the perspectives your group had and be made aware of the different economical facts. As it was stated that you believe the worst phase of the pandemic is over, I hope you are correct! Great post! 

Final Project!

Made by: Caitlin, Kyla, Foster, and Ryann! Hope you enjoy it!

Blog post #9

The guest and their steps in building a podcast relying on a PLN

This week’s guest, Mo Amir, discusses how he first began his podcast in 2018, for fun or as a hobby. His podcast first began in Vancouver B.C through a variety of different connections he had. Through a variety of connections, such as having a well-known guest on his podcast he was able to extend his audience dramatically and over time made it to the top 20 on the podcasting charts! With having a well-known guest Mo Amir discusses how an audience can really grow as that individual’s fans, and peers will then begin to listen to what you have to say because of this connection you have with a specific individual. Amir also showcases through the interview how throughout the podcast he continuously shares and talked about topics that he resonates with and stuck true to himself which makes it that much more rewarding to get to such a popular level as the top 20. Before the podcast was started, Amir was not involved in the Twitter community but, once he began podcasting he joined the app. He learned that Twitter is made up of several different communities that allowed him to interact with others with the same interests. This app is to be what Amir claims is the most influential and effective way for his podcast to be known to others while learning and connecting with others along the way. Before the podcast, Amir was not aware of the effect social media could have on such a thing but getting involved helped him get on top! 

Can your PLN be used to help professional development post-course? If yes, how? If not, what limitations exist? 

It is personally believed that yes, after this class is over, that my PLN will be able to use it for professional development. Through the use of LinkedIn, I have the opportunity to not only expand the information in my PLN but also professional relationships. By using  LinkedIn also get the opportunity to look for connections that can help me to further my professional life altogether but also the opportunity to look for potential internships, jobs using some of my background knowledge. This PLN also gives me to opportunity and platform to discuss and connect with people who I may need to get closer to and learn from in the future. 

Can your PLN be relied on to open professional opportunities? 

My PLN I believe most definitely can be used and relied upon when looking into potential professional learning opportunities. Using a PLN is not only an easy way to showcase your qualities but also can contribute to an accurate representation of your life and who you are. Many people will be truthful about their abilities when it comes to a professional career as they want to be the most capable for specific occupations. PLN ‘s provide an easy way to also get in touch with individuals hiring for professional jobs making it that much easier! PLN’s are a fantastic way to portray yourself to the public and professional world!

Blog post #8

What is Media Literacy?

Media literacy is essentially the ways in which people can access, critique, create or evaluate media. In other words, media literacy consists of an individual attitude and outlook, and judgment as it relates to the use of media. Based on one’s outlooks on media, this then affects one way of understanding, questioning, evaluating, producing, etc, a response when they are faced, and given all sorts of different information within a media platform. 

Why is media literacy important? 

Media literacy is relevant to all individuals who are on and use media therefore making it an important trait for all those involved. Having the ability, as individuals to note and identify the different messages in different types of media that are being presented helps us to develop and recognize the other points of view of others, and consume their emotions and opinions smarter, and more efficiently. Having this skill to recognize and understand others’ points of view is a major skill that will be useful in not only our internet life but our lives as a whole. For teenagers in the present day, who have been surrounded by the use of online platforms their entire lives, and are currently in the transitioning times of emotional, physical, and mental development it is important for their full understanding of the online world they have been introduced to is proper and developing a great media literacy will help them succeed. 

Why is media literacy dismissed? 

As the internet world is everchanging, there is been deemed an era of information explosion. Due to this information overload, when individuals look something up or stumble across information they can not be sure if these answers or information they have is true or not. This is also noted as excess information when an individual can not be certain if the information is truthful or not.  

Why should you aim for varied views about the factual consensus in your PLN? 

On some platforms information, and facts are hidden or not presented to the public with the hopes to please a certain audience. As the use of information technology in society is exploding, the spread of information through different platforms such as different news outliers, as mentioned before may only give half of the information in hopes to please a given audience. More problems have resulted from this as information is being spread not being 100% truthful. Because of this moral and ethical issues are beginning to rise and overall are beginning to affect society as a whole. Society must learn and understand that they can only understand the entire picture of an event if they accompany and adhere to ethics in the continuous interactive exchange of information within our society. There needs to be an understanding in knowing what to trust to give us the full true story and navigate ourselves through this by developing and properly using the idea of media literacy. 


21st Century Skills – Learning for Life In Our Times Trilling, B & Fadel, C – Digital Literacy Skills – Media Literacy pp.66

Media Literacy – Facts Matter – Course YouTube

Blog 7

Explore the video provided and reflect on the themed of PLN in a professional capacity

In the video provided, Brad Baker discusses the many ways in winch a personal learning network can be used appropriately and effectively in a professional way. Baker discusses how a PLN can be effectively used for oneself in establishing a healthy community in which someone can further their own well beings. Opposite to this Baker also showcases that a PLN is a place where not everyone has to have the same opinions and in most cases, not everyone is going to agree on every topic. It is a place on the internet where individuals in an online society can challenge and support each other, in ways to learn from one another. It is important that we realize the fact that not everyone is to agree on everything discussed in society but we can come together and learn from each other. He also brings to light how a PLN allows for many communities and stories to be brought together in hearing all different perspectives from all different individuals and groups. He explains this further, as he promotes the fact that a PLN allows up to hear, and see information directly from the source. We know that in todays day, we hear stories through the grapevine and information can be lost along the way through the second, or third outlets but coming from the original outlet allows for the most accurate information. 

What social media platforms are beneficial in education

As discussed in the book Emerging Technologies in Distance Education Alec Curos discusses how video, blogging, photo sharing, social bookmarking, and microblogging are some of the most important social media tools in education (Couros, p125). In the education system today, many students are known to be what we know as “visual learners”. This aspect of learning has made videos, and video sharing very important as it provides students with very useful ways to convey information to students who better learn through visual representation. Blogging is another form and important feature of the educational system as it allows for an interactive learning environment that is safe for students to post their individual thoughts and opinions, while also learning from fellow students’ opinions. Blogs promote conversation between students creating an environment of trust and a more connected community. 

Consider the equality that exists when all have the same platform to engage in community dialogues 

When each individual within a community belongs to the same platform, it entails that everyone within that community has an equal opportunity to participate in discussions. These individuals have the equal opportunity to contribute their opinions and dialogue at what feels comfortable to them. Equal access to platforms also provides individuals equal access to resources, information, and opportunities of an individual. The platforms have allowed students the opportunities to express their personal opinions due to the fact that sometimes it is easier for them to express their true opinions through an online platform, promoting a more authentic 

inclusive discussion. 


Miller. (2021, June 10). Brad Baker EDCI 338. Youtube.

Couros, A. (2010). Developing personal learning networks for open and social learning. In Velestianos, G., (Eds.). Emerging technologies in distance education. (pp. 109-128). AU Press.

Blog #6

What are the benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN in social media sharing that understands where you are coming from when messaging impacts the community? 

It is necessary to have a diverse and inclusive PLN as it allows for the inclusion, and opportunity to have input from all different types of individuals all over the world. By having these aspects added to your PLN, people from all over the world, no matter the background have the opportunity to feel a part of something. Whether it be different ethnic backgrounds, gender, language, etc,  inclusive and diverse PLN’s create a wide range of opportunities for others to learn as well, growing not only the knowledge of others from all over the world but also allowing people to open their minds and learn about different cultures all over the world. 

The interview “Community Communications” interview with Markiel Simpson, who is a man of color, going throughout life living with disabilities uses his experiences to discuss, teach, and share how his perspectives on certain issues which he goes through every day, need to be looked at and heard by the greater population. Markiel has taken social media and used his PLN on Twitter in a professional account in which he uses his platform to talk about and share his take on, and perspective of the specific passionate issues that he wants the larger population to be made aware of. Although Markiel did not receive a large number of followers at once, by was constantly active and continued to share his voice. By creating specific hashtags about his account, and the topics that he was discussing such as “#togetherwerise” and #strongertogether”, Markiel used as a tool to connect with the people who also would be interested in hashtags that related to this topic, hoping that they would stumble across his page. One of the main things that Markiel knew was that the success of his profile would not happen overnight but, knowing that the people who were interested and wanted to help change the views of others about specific issues such as Markiel would find his page and support him. Markiel is very smart in the ways in which he used his PLN’s to his advantage. By understanding that making his pages diverse in using different hashtags he knew that his account would be stumbled upon by the public helping him to get his ideas out there. 

Reference: Miller. (2021, June 1). EDCI-338 MARKIEL SIMPSON. YouTube.

Blog post #5

Identify the risks and benefits of engaging with a public audience in a media space- what are the risks for a public figure or person in a position of trust (educator, lawyer, government official)? 

The social media world comes with a variety of risks and benefits. To start, social media allows people to establish contacts, and create relationships with people all over the world. It also allows individuals to learn from others without face-to-face interactions. Although these things are major benefits that have changed our world for the better, social media also brings along some severe risks. For those in the spotlight such as social influencers, athletes, and government influencers, social media can provide a space for severe negativity. Being in the spotlight, mostly showcasing their lives on social media, many people are judgmental about every move an individual in the spotlight makes. Engaging with the public audience on this level can have a severe negative effect on someone’s mental health, and create a very negative space.  The position of spotlight although it can give someone fame and a following I believe is outweighed by the negative effects as people are constantly following along with their every move, and criticizing them as they go. 

How to best address negative replies and critiques reflective of your personal values and employer social media policy? 

When it comes to negative replies, many people act on addressing them and are affected by them differently. Personally, I believe that negative comments need to be addressed and responded to only if the individual feels as if it is a need. For instance, if someone comments negatively about someone’s family or personal morals, there can be a comment to reply back. Otherwise, if rumors or silly negative comments that are said just in the light to bring someone down, should be ignored. Overall I believe that individuals should try their best and not look at, or engage with negative replies as it may start to deteriorate and severely affect one’s mental health over time. It should be recognized that not everyone in society will agree upon, and therefore no matter the negativity someone receives an individual should continue to stick to their selves. 

How do notable individuals use social media? 

Notable individuals should recognize that when using social media, everyone can see what you are doing, and therefore everything you post, and comment represents who you are. Because a majority of people know who the notable individual is, they need to be aware that what they perceive to the public can put a label on their name, and affect how others view them without actually personally knowing them. By putting certain things on their PLN’s it can not only affect how followers and other influencers view you but can also affect your work environment as sometimes many companies or corporations are unsure if they want to work with someone based on what they are posting online. 

What are the benefits of being in the public eye and having a PLN? 

When an individual is in the public eye and has a PLN, it can provide that individual a variety of different opportunities that they may not have had without their PLN. Initially, these individuals with popular PLN’s can create a platform in which they want the world to perceive them. They have the ability to choose what to show to the world, and what they intend to keep in their private lives. Also by having a public PLN, is a great chance for corporations and potential job opportunities to look at you and see more of your personal life, and who you are. Social media and PLN’s give an advantage in showcasing someone more than just a resume of accomplishments allowing for a more realistic and personal relationship to the individual. 

Building community with online tools provided by the employer can be limiting, what are the perceived restrictions and benefits?  

When using online tools, with an employer comes with significant gains and losses. For example, online tools allow for people to connect and create a relationship with other employees easily. These connections are important to ensure that people work well together and ensure the best outcome of work possible. It allows for quick connections and responses when working, so things can be done fast and efficiently. On the other hand, when using online tools, the employer is accessible to all of the different moves an individual makes. In this case, if somewhere an individual made a mistake, the employer has full access to this, it can affect their status and what the employer thinks of that individual. 

Delivering information in a connected society requires verifiable resources, how to build a PLN rely on? 

Establishing trust on social media platforms, and building verifiable resources is a key aspect to social media and PLN’s that needs to be improved. It is believed that we need withhold from posting and spreading information that is in fact not true, and establish and ensure the accuracy of truth within the posted content. With this, we can create an environment where our PLN’s are more accurate and stay truly connected within society. 

How do those who are veteran storytellers, minimize risk in sharing misinformation?

When sharing information on your PLN, people need to revise and go over all of the information that they are intending on sharing with the public on their platforms. Wording sentences in a specific way, or using an improper word in a sentence exaggerating the significance of the message trying to get across, can completely change the message, and individual perception of the message. Not only will your information being sent out be looked at as misinformation but, also you could be looked at as someone who gives out misleading, and false information, therefore, having people not trust what you are putting on your platform. As the interview states, follow and reflect on the accounts that you personally follow and learn from what they put out, to ensure what you are putting out is as reasonable, and something that another person would use in this same situation. 

Blog post #4

If I were to create a PLN, prior to engaging in a social media campaign the first thing I would do, is figuring out what topic I would be interested in discussing then, how to engage and communicate with the people I want to target in my campaign. The first thing I would do is create my digital footprint on the platforms of media I think would be relevant for the audience of my campaign. For instance, if I were to create a campaign about health and ways to stay active and healthy as a university student, I would create my platforms on a media basis such as Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok in which I know will strike my audience’s attention. Social media can be hard in these instances where you are waiting for people to stumble upon your campaign and reach out interested in what you have to offer therefore, I would reach out to individuals who seem that their lifestyle would suit this campaign and see if they are interested. I would also put up flyers, and information leading interested individuals into my social media pages in which I will promote my campaign in places like the gym. I would do this because it is in a place where those who I believe are the right fit for my campaign spend most of their time. Once I am in contact with people who are interested in being a part of my campaign, and are thereby want and not because they have to, I will encourage them to post and reflect on the campaign on their own platforms in which in the long run could help to gain other individuals who may be interested in the campaign as well. By posting my campaign on all social media platforms, and in physical copies I hope it would gain many people’s interests as all my bases would be covered in ensuring the most amount of people could be exposed to the information as possible. 

Blog post #3

How diverse is your existing PLN? 

Overall, the current PLN that I have is very diverse. I have different types of social media such as Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc, and all are used for very different things. On places like Instagram, I use to post more adventurous parts of my life as I have people following that I know but are not personally close with everyone who can see my posts. Snapchat is where I tend to post more personal parts of my life as I only connect with my closest friends and family on it. Facebook is a social media platform I use to post more about my professional life such as my job, school, and achievements. Lastly, I use WhatsApp to talk to family members and work colleagues. Overall I would say my PLN is very diverse, and that because I use so many different apps for posting and connecting with different people it keeps a good balance between my PLN’s and how I use them. 

In your PLN, are you learning from a variety of voices, or are you the loudest in the room?

Depending on the PLN I am engaging with, it depends on whether or not I am the talker or listener. On platforms like Instagram, I tend to sit back and listen to other people’s points of view on certain topics or just like to watch and see what other people are doing. On other platforms like WhatsApp where the direct conversation is going on in oftentimes just between two people, I tend to speak out more and engage in conversation as I enjoy checking in and talking to those with who I am close. 

Do you participate in a silo of information sharing (similar themes or a wide range of interests?) 

In the past, I have not been one to participate in silo information sharing on a normal basis outside of school. I enjoy sharing information about assignments and what would be my personal work with such a group I am familiar with and have likely to have met in person before. On other media platforms where other silo information has been shared about common interests I sometimes look at and laugh about what the group is discussing, but it is not often that I participate in these conversations. 

How can you use a diverse PLN to broaden your views of inclusion? 

The use of PLN’s has become very useful in today’s age as it allows for the connection between people from all over the world. This has created an environment where individuals are able to learn and understand how things function in different places. This has changed my views of inclusion because it has shown me that no matter where you are, it is available to anyone to be included, and participate in a conversation, or project from anywhere in the world, allowing for the most knowledge to be on the table. 

In your professional setting of choice, do you think inclusion is actively embraced? 

When talking about something such as healthcare, in Canada especially, I believe our country has done a very good job at using “inclusion”. By emplacing and following up on the universal healthcare system we have in place today, we are able to include and help all those individuals in our country to their specific needs. It is said and, I personally see that the country follows up on the fact that no matter your race, religion, ethnic background everyone in our country is able to be helped when it is needed. 

What is the learning outcome of your PLN and how are your ensuing your exposure to diversity and inclusion? 

The learning outcomes of the PLN’s that I have usually involve getting the full understanding of things such as culture, background, and history. For example, I have always been very interested in cooking, therefore when I use my platforms to watch videos, I ensure to get a full understanding of the culture behind the meals, and in some cases behind the individual that is cooking. I love to learn and be aware of the cultures that I am looking at and this take on the aspect of diversity and inclusion. 

How has your thinking about inclusion and PLN evolved after reviewing the videos and readings? 

After watching the interview provided, and reading the article, I believe that my views on inclusion and diversity have most definitely improved. It has shown me all of the opportunities that I have to learn, and grow from the input of people from all over the world, and also how many different doors it can open for me if I take the time to sit down and learn at my fingertips.

Blog post #2

Above is my personal V&R map. I have placed within this map the applications that I tend to use on a day-to-day basis ranging from personal to institutional resources. My most personally used applications have to do with social media, then tend to use Gmail, banking, and pulse for more work-associated things.

What digital platforms are students currently using to develop their professional work?

In the current day and age, we are living in, social media has played a massive role in society as it makes for a quick way to showcase the professional and work side to an individual. I would say currently, Instagram is one of the most popular digital ways for students to develop their professional work identity. Instagram has seemed to be around for the times when students now were growing up. As the app has developed as students have been getting older, students are familiar with how the app works. This advantages students as they are familiar with how to post, and comment on posts to advantage their professional lives. It allows for students to blog and comment on their professional work and qualities but also gives them the option to post photos and videos about projects they have been a part of, and skills that they bring to the table. Personally, when it comes to my professional life, I enjoy using Instagram as I have seen first handed how it has had many advantages to others’ professional lives and also presents an accurate representation of my skills and abilities that I want potential job opportunities to have access too.

What could a student consider in expanding their professional learning network?

When looking at expanding one’s professional learning network, I believe the most important thing is to constantly be active on the accounts that you are sharing your professional information. It is important for students to be constantly updating their accounts to show that they are constantly involved and committed to things. Being active does not only involve keeping up with posting and commenting on what you are doing but also about communicating and responding with individuals who are trying to contact you. By continuously checking in with individuals who are trying to be in communication with you will showcase that you are a responsible individual. As you create a number of contacts and stay intrigued and in communication with those who reach out to you, it will allow for a build-up of connections that will help you in the future. This is probably one of the most important aspects I believe when using social media to expand your professional learning network. Social media gives us so many opportunities and doing something simple such as being active on a professional account, can give you countless opportunities with people all over the world.

In your network how can you create digital identity/reputation?

Digital identity and reputation are much so like real-life identity. Just as words and actions reflect a person in real-life interactions, the things an individuals posts and comments about online create their digital identity and reputation. Many people on social media today use it as a platform to post about their opinions and thoughts on certain topics. This is one example of how present-day people are creating their digital identity and reputation. By posting or commenting, you are allowing the world to see what your personal beliefs are, and in some instanced this can cause judgment and speculation. Overall, the things you post about on social media will be there forever, and together create the identity and reputation you have on your media accounts.

Find out what a local employer would do if you applied for a job with them?

When an individual goes in for an interview with an employer, there is usually a ton of questions asked about the potential employee about their personal lives. Because the individual has created a platform, that the employer has seen about their professional life, they want to get to know the individual better. Questions may include where the individual is from, and hobbies they have. Employers although they may like the way that they view the individual on their professional social media network, tend to want a deeper look into the individual, and make sure that both their professional and personal identities suit the job they are applying for. Employers also tend to do background checks on the individual as they close out any other questions the employer may have relating to criminal records.

Discover what an employer would find based on your V&R map if you applied for a job with them?

If I were to apply for a job, and an employer was to look at the V&R map I have made, they will see that I am very active on social media. They will see that I use platforms such as Instagram and Twitter to showcase my personal interests such as sports, and also the activities I go on with my friends in family. Although I use these platforms to showcase some aspects of my personal life, the employer would see I am professional in the sense that I am constantly active on the accounts I have. Also within my Instagram and V&R map, I have my email. This showcases to employers that I am constantly checking my email and that I am very good at communicating. Overall, if an employer were to look at my V&R map, it would accurately represent that I am adapted to society’s constant use of social media.

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