How diverse is your existing PLN? 

Overall, the current PLN that I have is very diverse. I have different types of social media such as Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc, and all are used for very different things. On places like Instagram, I use to post more adventurous parts of my life as I have people following that I know but are not personally close with everyone who can see my posts. Snapchat is where I tend to post more personal parts of my life as I only connect with my closest friends and family on it. Facebook is a social media platform I use to post more about my professional life such as my job, school, and achievements. Lastly, I use WhatsApp to talk to family members and work colleagues. Overall I would say my PLN is very diverse, and that because I use so many different apps for posting and connecting with different people it keeps a good balance between my PLN’s and how I use them. 

In your PLN, are you learning from a variety of voices, or are you the loudest in the room?

Depending on the PLN I am engaging with, it depends on whether or not I am the talker or listener. On platforms like Instagram, I tend to sit back and listen to other people’s points of view on certain topics or just like to watch and see what other people are doing. On other platforms like WhatsApp where the direct conversation is going on in oftentimes just between two people, I tend to speak out more and engage in conversation as I enjoy checking in and talking to those with who I am close. 

Do you participate in a silo of information sharing (similar themes or a wide range of interests?) 

In the past, I have not been one to participate in silo information sharing on a normal basis outside of school. I enjoy sharing information about assignments and what would be my personal work with such a group I am familiar with and have likely to have met in person before. On other media platforms where other silo information has been shared about common interests I sometimes look at and laugh about what the group is discussing, but it is not often that I participate in these conversations. 

How can you use a diverse PLN to broaden your views of inclusion? 

The use of PLN’s has become very useful in today’s age as it allows for the connection between people from all over the world. This has created an environment where individuals are able to learn and understand how things function in different places. This has changed my views of inclusion because it has shown me that no matter where you are, it is available to anyone to be included, and participate in a conversation, or project from anywhere in the world, allowing for the most knowledge to be on the table. 

In your professional setting of choice, do you think inclusion is actively embraced? 

When talking about something such as healthcare, in Canada especially, I believe our country has done a very good job at using “inclusion”. By emplacing and following up on the universal healthcare system we have in place today, we are able to include and help all those individuals in our country to their specific needs. It is said and, I personally see that the country follows up on the fact that no matter your race, religion, ethnic background everyone in our country is able to be helped when it is needed. 

What is the learning outcome of your PLN and how are your ensuing your exposure to diversity and inclusion? 

The learning outcomes of the PLN’s that I have usually involve getting the full understanding of things such as culture, background, and history. For example, I have always been very interested in cooking, therefore when I use my platforms to watch videos, I ensure to get a full understanding of the culture behind the meals, and in some cases behind the individual that is cooking. I love to learn and be aware of the cultures that I am looking at and this take on the aspect of diversity and inclusion. 

How has your thinking about inclusion and PLN evolved after reviewing the videos and readings? 

After watching the interview provided, and reading the article, I believe that my views on inclusion and diversity have most definitely improved. It has shown me all of the opportunities that I have to learn, and grow from the input of people from all over the world, and also how many different doors it can open for me if I take the time to sit down and learn at my fingertips.