Explore the video provided and reflect on the themed of PLN in a professional capacity

In the video provided, Brad Baker discusses the many ways in winch a personal learning network can be used appropriately and effectively in a professional way. Baker discusses how a PLN can be effectively used for oneself in establishing a healthy community in which someone can further their own well beings. Opposite to this Baker also showcases that a PLN is a place where not everyone has to have the same opinions and in most cases, not everyone is going to agree on every topic. It is a place on the internet where individuals in an online society can challenge and support each other, in ways to learn from one another. It is important that we realize the fact that not everyone is to agree on everything discussed in society but we can come together and learn from each other. He also brings to light how a PLN allows for many communities and stories to be brought together in hearing all different perspectives from all different individuals and groups. He explains this further, as he promotes the fact that a PLN allows up to hear, and see information directly from the source. We know that in todays day, we hear stories through the grapevine and information can be lost along the way through the second, or third outlets but coming from the original outlet allows for the most accurate information. 

What social media platforms are beneficial in education

As discussed in the book Emerging Technologies in Distance Education Alec Curos discusses how video, blogging, photo sharing, social bookmarking, and microblogging are some of the most important social media tools in education (Couros, p125). In the education system today, many students are known to be what we know as “visual learners”. This aspect of learning has made videos, and video sharing very important as it provides students with very useful ways to convey information to students who better learn through visual representation. Blogging is another form and important feature of the educational system as it allows for an interactive learning environment that is safe for students to post their individual thoughts and opinions, while also learning from fellow students’ opinions. Blogs promote conversation between students creating an environment of trust and a more connected community. 

Consider the equality that exists when all have the same platform to engage in community dialogues 

When each individual within a community belongs to the same platform, it entails that everyone within that community has an equal opportunity to participate in discussions. These individuals have the equal opportunity to contribute their opinions and dialogue at what feels comfortable to them. Equal access to platforms also provides individuals equal access to resources, information, and opportunities of an individual. The platforms have allowed students the opportunities to express their personal opinions due to the fact that sometimes it is easier for them to express their true opinions through an online platform, promoting a more authentic 

inclusive discussion. 


Miller. (2021, June 10). Brad Baker EDCI 338. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5z8iHxW2n4&ab_channel=MILLER

Couros, A. (2010). Developing personal learning networks for open and social learning. In Velestianos, G., (Eds.). Emerging technologies in distance education. (pp. 109-128). AU Press.