Welcome to my media and personalized learning blog!

Blog post #2

Above is my personal V&R map. I have placed within this map the applications that I tend to use on a day-to-day basis ranging from personal to institutional resources. My most personally used applications have to do with social media, then tend to use Gmail, banking, and pulse for more work-associated things.

What digital platforms are students currently using to develop their professional work?

In the current day and age, we are living in, social media has played a massive role in society as it makes for a quick way to showcase the professional and work side to an individual. I would say currently, Instagram is one of the most popular digital ways for students to develop their professional work identity. Instagram has seemed to be around for the times when students now were growing up. As the app has developed as students have been getting older, students are familiar with how the app works. This advantages students as they are familiar with how to post, and comment on posts to advantage their professional lives. It allows for students to blog and comment on their professional work and qualities but also gives them the option to post photos and videos about projects they have been a part of, and skills that they bring to the table. Personally, when it comes to my professional life, I enjoy using Instagram as I have seen first handed how it has had many advantages to others’ professional lives and also presents an accurate representation of my skills and abilities that I want potential job opportunities to have access too.

What could a student consider in expanding their professional learning network?

When looking at expanding one’s professional learning network, I believe the most important thing is to constantly be active on the accounts that you are sharing your professional information. It is important for students to be constantly updating their accounts to show that they are constantly involved and committed to things. Being active does not only involve keeping up with posting and commenting on what you are doing but also about communicating and responding with individuals who are trying to contact you. By continuously checking in with individuals who are trying to be in communication with you will showcase that you are a responsible individual. As you create a number of contacts and stay intrigued and in communication with those who reach out to you, it will allow for a build-up of connections that will help you in the future. This is probably one of the most important aspects I believe when using social media to expand your professional learning network. Social media gives us so many opportunities and doing something simple such as being active on a professional account, can give you countless opportunities with people all over the world.

In your network how can you create digital identity/reputation?

Digital identity and reputation are much so like real-life identity. Just as words and actions reflect a person in real-life interactions, the things an individuals posts and comments about online create their digital identity and reputation. Many people on social media today use it as a platform to post about their opinions and thoughts on certain topics. This is one example of how present-day people are creating their digital identity and reputation. By posting or commenting, you are allowing the world to see what your personal beliefs are, and in some instanced this can cause judgment and speculation. Overall, the things you post about on social media will be there forever, and together create the identity and reputation you have on your media accounts.

Find out what a local employer would do if you applied for a job with them?

When an individual goes in for an interview with an employer, there is usually a ton of questions asked about the potential employee about their personal lives. Because the individual has created a platform, that the employer has seen about their professional life, they want to get to know the individual better. Questions may include where the individual is from, and hobbies they have. Employers although they may like the way that they view the individual on their professional social media network, tend to want a deeper look into the individual, and make sure that both their professional and personal identities suit the job they are applying for. Employers also tend to do background checks on the individual as they close out any other questions the employer may have relating to criminal records.

Discover what an employer would find based on your V&R map if you applied for a job with them?

If I were to apply for a job, and an employer was to look at the V&R map I have made, they will see that I am very active on social media. They will see that I use platforms such as Instagram and Twitter to showcase my personal interests such as sports, and also the activities I go on with my friends in family. Although I use these platforms to showcase some aspects of my personal life, the employer would see I am professional in the sense that I am constantly active on the accounts I have. Also within my Instagram and V&R map, I have my email. This showcases to employers that I am constantly checking my email and that I am very good at communicating. Overall, if an employer were to look at my V&R map, it would accurately represent that I am adapted to society’s constant use of social media.


Blog 1- Personal Learning Networks & Digital Identity


Blog post #3


  1. lilyneiles

    Hi Ryann! I really enjoyed reading up on your blog post this week. I agree with you main points and think that your ideas about how you create a digital identity are quite accurate. Our day to day posts are a reflection of our life and really open up a window for society to see who we are and ultimately grow your platform. It’s true that all your comments, likes, and beliefs will show you and your identity! Thank you for sharing.
    thank you 🙂

  2. tanvirmanak

    Hi Ryann! I really enjoyed reading your blog today. I liked the part where you mentioned that a user should constantly be communicating with others when building a professional network. I also believe it is important that an individual builds connection and you can only do that if you put in the effort to communicate with others! Building a connection with people who are in the same field as you can open a lot of doors.

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