If I were to create a PLN, prior to engaging in a social media campaign the first thing I would do, is figuring out what topic I would be interested in discussing then, how to engage and communicate with the people I want to target in my campaign. The first thing I would do is create my digital footprint on the platforms of media I think would be relevant for the audience of my campaign. For instance, if I were to create a campaign about health and ways to stay active and healthy as a university student, I would create my platforms on a media basis such as Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok in which I know will strike my audience’s attention. Social media can be hard in these instances where you are waiting for people to stumble upon your campaign and reach out interested in what you have to offer therefore, I would reach out to individuals who seem that their lifestyle would suit this campaign and see if they are interested. I would also put up flyers, and information leading interested individuals into my social media pages in which I will promote my campaign in places like the gym. I would do this because it is in a place where those who I believe are the right fit for my campaign spend most of their time. Once I am in contact with people who are interested in being a part of my campaign, and are thereby want and not because they have to, I will encourage them to post and reflect on the campaign on their own platforms in which in the long run could help to gain other individuals who may be interested in the campaign as well. By posting my campaign on all social media platforms, and in physical copies I hope it would gain many people’s interests as all my bases would be covered in ensuring the most amount of people could be exposed to the information as possible.