Peer reviewed by: Ryann Trelving

Group members: Linding Wang, Kexin Li, Yufei Li, Zewen Ding

Hello! I really enjoyed reading your group’s final blog post! At first glance, I really enjoyed how all the different topics you were going to be discussing in your project were laid out and organized into categories. Looking at your first category, entertainment, I enjoyed how you included both the stereotypical things that people think of that have been affected during the pandemic such as parties, movies, etc but I really like how you added in the aspect of tourism. Tourism is a major entertainment factor that has been affected by the pandemic and although it is a very luxurious form of entertainment in many countries it is the main source of income that has been detrimentally affected by the virus.

Moving onto the second portion of the project, restaurants, and hotels, I enjoy how you discuss that as a result of the pandemic, the hotel and restaurant industry has completely changed and will come out on the other side of the pandemic but in a completely different way ensuring to keep everyone they host healthy. It was also a nice touch showcasing that these industries have produced the most job loss in the country. Throughout the paragraph, I enjoyed how you discussed how restaurants have expanded and learned to cope through their PLNs, with online services and delivery methods but I would have liked to learn more on how the hotel industry has adapted and used their PLN platforms to keep their businesses up and running during this time. 

The last couple of short paragraphs discussing PLN, zoom, and youtube I really enjoyed reading! When reading about zoom, it was an interesting point that was made that the app was developed and made useful to the public in 2013 but it is not until now that it became so popular. It was interesting to see how something as simple as an online video chat could have received so much inventory and benefits through such a hard time in the world but, it truly was how the world began to function. Adding to this, I enjoyed how the Youtube section of the blog related to key points at the beginning of the blog such as entertainment. One suggestion that I believe may have made your post flow better, however, would be to put these points as youtube relates to entertainment and specifically tourism by that section of the blog. Because of youtube’s many functions, it played a key role throughout the pandemic on a variety of levels, and structuring your blog by these roles may have added a little more clarity and flow!

Overall, I really enjoyed all of the points that you touched on throughout your blog with how different PLNs have been influenced throughout the pandemic. It was interesting to see all of the perspectives your group had and be made aware of the different economical facts. As it was stated that you believe the worst phase of the pandemic is over, I hope you are correct! Great post!