Media and personalized learning

Welcome to my media and personalized learning blog!

Blog 1- Personal Learning Networks & Digital Identity

What does it mean to network using social media?

In the current day and age, we are living in, almost everyone is networking using social media. Many people believe that networking using social media only involves social media apps such as Twitter or Instagram, which is a major aspect but, networking using social media also involves emailing and texting. During the 21 century, social media has exploded into a platform where individuals have been able to interact with each other by the click of a button from anywhere, at any time. Over time as social media has developed, individuals are called “influencers” who make a living out of using specific products and sharing them with their followers or simply just trying on different outfits. Overall, networking using social media is simply an interaction between individuals on social media platforms in which is one of the most popular, and important ways of interaction, communication, and business in our evolving world.

How are we motivated to participate in networked public?

Networking especially using social media, is an ongoing evolving tool that will be an important aspect of our personal and public lives as we get older. ‘The article “what is a personal learning network (PLN)?’ by Gutierrez (2016), it is showcased that from the moment we were born, the relationship we have with technology begins. By making this point, the author is portraying that in order to keep up with the quickly changing social networking lives we have there must be a line of motivation. One of the most looked at examples of participating in networking is job opportunities. As social media has developed, many associations use social media networking to showcase their business. It is most often that when looking for employees, that individuals show their networking skills and by not being up to date, or on top of the current “trend” or wavelength of knowledge about this, that the job will be way out of an individuals reach. Motivation is the key to staying up to date with the quickly changing work of media, without it many would not be where they are today.

What are the risks and rewards of public communications?

When looking at the risks and rewards of public communications, there are a handful of different positive and negative outcomes. Public communication gives individuals opportunities to share and receive knowledge with other individuals quickly and efficiently all over the world. Getting to obtain knowledge from different places, and cultures who may have the answers we are looking for in the blink of an eye is a very helpful privilege. Although this point is remarkable, public communications have a downfall side as well. A well-known risk in the public communications world is public, and private security within the platform’s information is being shared. Everyone knows that when something is posted, that it is out there forever. As read in “Networked Privacy”, Danah states that “out date; and within it, our privacy- is increasingly networked.” Simple mistakes or slip-ups that even when we delete continue to stay in the online world forever. Messages, pictures, and chats that we believe were once “ours” are easily accessible to individuals all over the world, that have in instances been leaked to the public. Overall, it is safe to say that when using networking that the positives outweigh the negatives. However, it is key to remember that when using social media, no matter what you believe is owned and can only be seen by you, has the potential to be leaked to the public.

What is digital identity?

Digital identity sometimes referred to as a Digital footprint, is known as the way in which an individual portrays themself to the internet. A digital identity is created when using social media platforms; it includes an individual’s pictures, posts, comments, and interactions with fellow media users. Overall, digital identity is the way in which other people look at or portray another individual.

How do personal vs professional approaches to digital identity affect social media use?

Personal vs professional digital identity affects the overall use of social media due to the fact that these two aspects of a person’s life can be very different. Many people have both personal and professional media accounts that they use on a day-to-day basis but, for very different things. When an individual creates a professional media account it is in most cases used to make them look well, professional. There is most commonly not a lot of posts or pictures involving the individual’s personal life like friends and family but, focuses on portraying the good characteristics that would make them look equipt for something like a job. On the other hand, people with personal social media accounts use their platform to post about their day-to-day life involving something like their friends, vacations, family, and a variety of other things. By separating the networking between your social and personal life online teaches many people how to separate these two things in their everyday lives as well.

How do digital identities cover in-network publics- what are the impacts and/or benefits?

Public networks have given the world a variety of advantages that have drastically affected the world in which we live. We have the ability to connect, interact and learn from individuals from all around the world, in the blink of an eye. Having the resources to interact with people of different religions, ethnicities, and who have experienced a different way of life than what we experience in Canada allows us to expand our knowledge on a completely different level. The consequences, however, we face when using digital identities can stick with a person forever. Whether it be getting one information stolen, and put out in the public eye to see or, simply making a mistake in posting or commenting on something can stick with someone for the rest of their lives. It is important for people to realize that the social media world does not go away by a “delete button” what you post, is always going to be out there, and in times when you want to for example get a job, it may come back to haunt you.


Gutierrez, Karla. “What are Personal Learning Networks?” SHIFT, 21 June 2016.  Accessed 17 September 2021.World Economic Forum (2019, February 5). Davos 2019- Press Conference The Value of Digital 

Boyd, D. (2012). Networked privacy. Surveillance & society10(3/4), 348.

About me!

My name is Ryann Treliving, and I am an 18-year-old student attending The University of Victoria from Calgary Alberta. In my free time, I enjoy exercising, exploring, and socializing with my family, and friends!
During my first year at UVic, I am studying sociology and so far really enjoying learning about people, and the way our society works. I am taking this class to help further my knowledge about social media and the evolving network it brings to society! Overall I am very excited to see what this course has to offer, and connecting and socializing with my fellow classmates!

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